I am excited to share with you our new vision, mission, and values statements that were finalized at the May 10th, 2012 board meeting with all seven board members, all four administrators, and staff representation from Ruth and Lou Ann. The board was given input from the March staff In-service which they found to be very helpful. The comments in italics are my additional thoughts that will help you understand more about how we got to the final words used. Something similar to this will be put in the June newsletter for our patrons.
Vision: Where the community connects! These four words mean so much. Connecting…with the community, with family, with friends, with the Internet, with technology, with the past, with the future (you get the idea!)
Mission: To enrich the lives of the people of our community with education, entertainment, and service. This is a statement of what we do. We provide programs, materials, and technology that both educate and entertain. We do things like proctor exams for distance learners and help our patrons sift through mountains of information to find the one thing they were truly seeking. We create readers. We provide an escape for the overworked. We save you time through services that allow you to stay close to home. We get answers to questions that are new to you, but that we have seen or heard many times. Think about all the reasons you come to the library or use our resources. Every one of those things will be for either education, entertainment, or service (or all of these!)
Values: We believe…
· The patron is #1
· In providing a warm & inviting environment for both patrons & staff
· In equal opportunity for all
· In adapting to the future
· In a knowledgeable staff
These values keep us grounded and focused. When we are making decisions, we ask ourselves if those decisions hold up to these values. Financial constraints may restrict the extent to which we can make things happen, but the intent of these values should be seen in all that we do.
Vision: Where the community connects! These four words mean so much. Connecting…with the community, with family, with friends, with the Internet, with technology, with the past, with the future (you get the idea!)
Mission: To enrich the lives of the people of our community with education, entertainment, and service. This is a statement of what we do. We provide programs, materials, and technology that both educate and entertain. We do things like proctor exams for distance learners and help our patrons sift through mountains of information to find the one thing they were truly seeking. We create readers. We provide an escape for the overworked. We save you time through services that allow you to stay close to home. We get answers to questions that are new to you, but that we have seen or heard many times. Think about all the reasons you come to the library or use our resources. Every one of those things will be for either education, entertainment, or service (or all of these!)
Values: We believe…
· The patron is #1
· In providing a warm & inviting environment for both patrons & staff
· In equal opportunity for all
· In adapting to the future
· In a knowledgeable staff
These values keep us grounded and focused. When we are making decisions, we ask ourselves if those decisions hold up to these values. Financial constraints may restrict the extent to which we can make things happen, but the intent of these values should be seen in all that we do.